japanese symbols for beginners at kana chart (kanachart.com) with hiragana, katakana and kanji.

kc - the kana cat kanachart.com - japanese symbols with hiragana, katakana and kanji
hiragana katakana
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 kc's tips

aPlay Sound

Play Animation


iPlay Sound

Play Animation


uPlay Sound

Play Animation


ePlay Sound

Play Animation


oPlay Sound

Play Animation


 hiragana and katakana alphabets are arranged by their starting letter; just click on the letter you want.

 kc the kana cat will help you remember kana with his sounds and animations.

 new get the whole hiragana alphabet in a printable one page document

 we recommend this kana book from amazon beginner's kana workbook : practice...

oPlay Sound

Play Animation

 o-(oh)see note 1
 note 1: the second 'o' shown here is a grammatical particle known as an object marker, see the help page on particles .
 kc says: while not all these characters start with an a, all characters in the 'a' category are vowel characters. this category is used in both hiragana and katakana sections.
 kc says: the hiragana alphabet is the primary native japanese alphabet, it can be used to phonetically write all native japanese words. for more information about the different alphabets see the main help page .
i-i-e - iie (means 'no') u-e - ue (means 'above')

all images, sounds and animations copyright © 2007 kanachart.com

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