japanese symbols for beginners at kana chart (kanachart.com) with hiragana, katakana and kanji.

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japanese symbols for beginners

japanese symbols are easy to learn at kanachart.com. all the japanese symbols are organized by alphabet (hiragana, katakana, and kanji) and starting letter to make it easier to remember them.

kanachart.com has animations and sounds for the japanese symbols in the hiragana and katakana alphabets as learning aids.
we also sell japanese symbols in pdf documents for a cheap price. click here to see the range of japanese symbols charts.

to start learning japanese symbols click on an any of the alphabet navigation tabs or links above.

katakana poster close up

an explaination of japanese symbols for beginners

hiragana is the primary native japanese symbols alphabet. Every native japanese word can be written in hiragana japanese symbols, but more advanced japanese uses 'kanji' japanese symbols in place of some hiragana. the use of kanji japanese symbols dramatically shortens the length of the text, but it is for advanced learners of the language only.

katakana japanese symbols are used for describing sound words (onomatopoeia), and foreign words (esp english) in japanese. Any foreign words the japanese don't have a native word for are written, as they sound, in katakana japanese symbols. For example, many new words in the world, such as the word 'computer' are written in katakana equivalent japanese symbols.

all images, sounds and animations copyright © 2007 kanachart.com

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